01245 441609

Website: bookeo.com/hartbeepschelmsford
Email: chelmsford@hartbeeps.com
Contact Number: 07775 738088
At Hartbeeps we want to ensure that both you and your child/children receive all the information, guidance and encouragement that you need to experience a truly magical time.
We encourage you to listen to Hartbeeps songs at home or when out and about Downloads can be purchased via your session leader or online at www.hartbeeps.com so your child children can start to recognise and enjoy the songs we sing in sessions.
Hartbeeps sessions are sometimes held in venues with hard surfaces and, although mats are provided, you may like to bring a small blanket to lay your baby on. The Hartbeeps environment is both relaxed and social, however to show respect for the whole group we ask that general chatter be kept to a minimum, this ensures that the focus is kept on the children. Where possible we do try to provide or recommend facilities for you to socialise after the session. If your baby becomes restless or needs feeding or changing during the session, please feel free to do so. The session leader will start on time and we ask that you arrive 5 minutes before your session to avoid any disruption during the session. Mobile phones must be either off or on silent. We ask that no food is consumed during the Hartbeeps session. No shoes to be worn on the mats, please bring socks for your comfort.
Many parents take photos during the sessions so feel free to bring your camera. Please try to photograph your child children only. If you do catch other children in your photos please ensure you cover their faces or blur them in the background before posting to any social media. If you have any objection to photos videos being taken in the session please let me know so we can ensure your little one is out of shot of any photos videos being taken in session. Any photos videos shared with could be used on our Facebook page, Instagram or and Twitter page. If you would prefer them not to be used in this way please let me know via your media consent preference when booking.
We ask that if you or your child is unwell with something contagious, please refrain from coming to class. We want to avoid spread of illness and protect our more vunerable children where possible. You are welcome to attend a make up session at another venue during the same term so you don't miss out. For our full illness policy please read our Terms and Conditions when booking.
We are unable to offer discounts or refunds for missed sessions, you are able to ask to attend another session in another venue during the same half term to make up. No refunds if classes are cancelled due to snow, flooding, force majeure but we always try to schedule a make up session where possible. Cancellation; if you cancel your place at least one week before the half term begins your session leader will refund your half termly fee, but this will be subject to a £10.00 administration fee. No refunds will be made after this period. If you cancel your place during the half term then no refund can be given. For our full refund policy please read our Terms and Conditions when booking.
For Health and Safety purposes we are required to inform you of the following:
By enrolling in Hartbeeps you are agreeing to assume responsibility for overseeing the safety of your child at class.
Although we try our best to provide a safe environment, we do not assume liability for the health and safety of you or your family.
Your child of under 3 years is likely to be attracted to some of our toys and props which may contain small parts. Please be aware that we do not recommend allowing your child to put toys or instruments into his/her mouth.